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Lusha Vs ContactOut: Which Leads the Way in B2B Contact Solutions?

May 16, 2024 Comparisons, ContactOut, Lusha

Lusha Vs ContactOut

Well, people always complain about the complications between Lusha and Contactout. Let’s tell you that Lusha and Contactout are the most prominent tools out there now.

Lusha has high-quality, unique and premium data. ContactOut, on the other hand, specializes in finding email and phone contacts for professionals.

People often compare Lusha and ContactOut due to their similar roles in giving contact information to business professionals. Both platforms help with sales and recruitment needs. Their unique features, data accuracy, and ease of use make them go-to choices for professionals.

In this Lusha vs Contactout guide, we’ll show you the difference between Lusha and Contactout as well. We’ll examine their features, differences, and overall effectiveness in the context of modern sales and recruitment strategies.

What is Lusha?

What is Lusha

Lusha, founded in 2016, is a company that offers high-quality, unique data for B2B (business-to-business) purposes. Their services are focused on providing accurate company and contact information. This is especially useful on social networks, the web, and in Salesforce.

This platform is designed to help users reach the right decision-makers, enhancing their ability to sell and close deals. Customers have praised Lusha for its user-friendly experience and the significant return on investment (ROI) it provides.

Moreover, the company emphasizes data accuracy, with testimonials from decision-makers. Lusha offers various products including a prospecting platform, an API, buyer intelligence, enrichment tools, and integrations with other services as well.

The company also places a strong emphasis on data privacy and security.

Note: Have a look at some other alternatives for Lusha.

Features of Lusha

The features of Lusha are given below:

Features of Lusha

Data Accuracy

Lusha makes sure about high data accuracy, offering reliable information about B2B contacts and companies. This accuracy helps users trust the data for their sales and marketing campaigns.

User-Friendly Interface

The platform is designed for ease of use. This makes it simple for users to find and utilize the data they need without complex training or technical know-how.

Salesforce Integration

Lusha seamlessly integrates with Salesforce, allowing users to enrich their CRM data with up-to-date contact information. This enhances their sales processes.

Prospecting Tools

Lusha provides tools for amazing prospecting. It enables users to identify potential leads and decision-makers, which is crucial for B2B sales and marketing efforts.

Social Network Data Access

The platform excels in gathering data from social networks. It offers users a way to connect with professionals and decision-makers through these channels.


  • Increases sales and marketing efficiency.
  • Easy to use, even for beginners.
  • Enhances CRM data with fresh information.
  • Helps in reaching decision-makers quickly.
  • Useful for a wide range of industries.


  • It has limited data in certain regions or industries.

What is ContactOut?

What is ContactOut

ContactOut, founded in 2015, is a tool designed to help users find email addresses and phone numbers of professionals. It boasts a large database with information on 300 million professionals, including 150 million personal emails, 200 million work emails, and 100 million direct dials.

This service is trusted by 1.4 million recruiters and sales representatives from Fortune 500 companies. ContactOut provides four times more replies due to its AI-enhanced search capabilities.

Furthermore, the platform is compliant with the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). It ensures data privacy and security. It offers triple-verified data with a 99% confidence level.

Users can search across more than 20 data points. Such as job titles, companies, revenue, skills, locations, company size, and departments, to find the right prospects with precision.

Features of ContactOut

The features of Contactout are given below:

Features of ContactOut

AI-Driven Search

ContactOut uses advanced AI algorithms to provide precise search results. This enables users to find relevant professional contact information quickly and accurately.

Large Database

It has over 300 million professional profiles, including 150 million personal emails and 200 million work emails. As a result, ContactOut offers a vast pool of data for users.

Data Compliance

The platform adheres to CCPA and GDPR regulations, ensuring the data is handled securely and ethically. This is basically needed for user trust and legal compliance.

Triple-Verified Data

ContactOut’s data is triple-verified. This means it provides a 99% confidence level in the accuracy and reliability of the information provided. It’s essential for effective outreach.

Diverse Data Points

You can actually search across more than 20 data points here. It includes job titles, companies, skills, and locations. Also, it allows for targeted and efficient prospecting.


  • Enhances outreach with accurate data.
  • Saves time in finding contact info.
  • A large database increases potential leads.
  • AI search ensures relevant results.
  • Complies with data protection laws.


  • It’s tough to use for the beginners.
  • Limited effectiveness in some niche sectors.

Lusha vs Contactout: Comparison Table

Lusha vs Contactout

When comparing Lusha and ContactOut, it’s important to focus on their unique features and capabilities. Let’s compare Lusha vs Contactout:

Features Lusha Contactout
Primary Focus B2B database and lead generation Finding email addresses and phone numbers
Data Accuracy High data accuracy Triple-verified data with 99% accuracy.
Integration Salesforce for CRM data enrichment. Chrome Extension and API
Data Compliance Standard data protection and privacy laws. CCPA and GDPR regulations.
Unique Feature Unique premium data on social networks and the web. Vast database of 300 million professional profiles.

Lusha and Contactout: In-depth Key Differences

Lusha and ContactOut are both great in the professional data and lead generation market, but they have distinct features and focuses. Here’s an in-depth look at their key differences:

1. Data Source and Quality


Lusha has high-quality data primarily from social networks and the web. It focuses on B2B contacts and company information. Here, data accuracy is a major selling point that ensures reliable information for sales and marketing.


ContactOut, however, emphasizes its large database of 300 million professional profiles, with a unique strength in triple-verified data. It offers 99% confidence in accuracy. This makes ContactOut strong in email and phone number retrieval.

2. User Experience


Lusha is celebrated for its user-friendly interface, making it accessible even to those with minimal technical expertise. Its simplicity in navigating and extracting data is a key advantage.


ContactOut, on the other hand, uses AI-driven search capabilities. This might appeal to users who prefer technologically advanced features for efficient data retrieval. However, it could be slightly more complex for beginners.

3. Integration Capabilities


Lusha excels with its seamless integration with Salesforce, allowing users to enhance their CRM data with current contact information. This feature is particularly important for sales professionals who depend greatly on CRM systems for their day-to-day operations.


On the other hand, ContactOut offers a different approach with its Chrome Extension and API integration. This focus is more on providing flexibility and ease of use across various platforms and web browsers. ContactOut’s approach caters to users who prioritize versatility and accessibility in their tools.

4. Compliance and Security


Both Lusha and ContactOut take data compliance and security seriously. Lusha adheres to standard data protection and privacy laws, ensuring user trust.


ContactOut goes a step further by being CCPA and GDPR-compliant. This is essential for users concerned about data privacy and legal compliance. Especially in regions with strict data protection laws.

5. Target Audience and Use Case


Lusha is shaped for B2B sales and marketing professionals, offering tools and data that cater to this segment. Its focus is on reaching decision-makers and enhancing sales processes.


ContactOut, with its extensive database and AI search, is more suited for recruiters and sales reps. It’s for those who need to find prospects outside of common networks like LinkedIn. This makes it a versatile tool for a broader audience.

6. B2B/B2C Focus


Lusha primarily targets B2B sales, offering accurate company and contact data. It’s designed for sales professionals to reach decision-makers effectively. This makes it a strong choice for B2B organizations seeking reliable contact information.


ContactOut is versatile, serving both B2B and B2C markets. It excels in finding email and phone details for professionals, including those not on LinkedIn. This makes it useful for a wide range of industries and purposes.

7. Filtering Options


Lusha offers targeted filtering options, allowing users to find specific B2B contacts and companies. This feature is crucial for sales teams looking to connect with relevant decision-makers in their industry.


ContactOut provides extensive filtering capabilities across 20+ data points, including job titles, company size, and skills. This makes it highly effective for users needing to pinpoint the right contacts with precision.

8. Limitations


Lusha’s limitations may include a narrower focus on B2B contacts, which might not be as comprehensive for B2C needs. Additionally, the depth of data in certain industries or regions could be limited.


ContactOut’s focus on email and phone details might not provide broader market insights or in-depth company data. This could be a limitation for users seeking comprehensive business intelligence.

Lusha vs ContacOut: Which One Should You Choose?

When deciding between Lusha and ContactOut for your business’s lead generation needs, it’s important to consider their unique features.

Lusha shines with its user-friendly interface and efficient access to contact information. This makes it a great choice for businesses seeking quick and easy lead generation. It’s effective for small to medium-sized businesses that need straightforward, direct contact information.

ContactOut, on the other hand, is known for its deep integration with LinkedIn and its ability to uncover hard-to-find email addresses and phone numbers. This makes it ideal for businesses that rely heavily on LinkedIn for networking and lead generation, especially in the B2B sector.

In summary, opt for Lusha for simplicity and ease of use in obtaining direct contact information. Choose ContactOut if your focus is on leveraging LinkedIn for in-depth lead discovery.

The Best Alternative Swordfish AI: Other Side of the Coin


Swordfish AI is one of the best Lusha vs Contactout competitors out there. It’s a tool for professional contact data, offering unique capabilities for finding cell phone numbers and emails.

Trusted by over 50,000 sales and recruitment professionals, it stands out for its accuracy in cell phone number retrieval and match rates. Also, Swordfish AI is noted for having 33% more cell phone numbers and 45% more accurate numbers than leading providers.

Its real-time line connectivity validation ensures the data’s reliability. This makes it a game-changer for those needing direct access to decision-makers.

When considering Swordfish AI as an alternative to Lusha and ContactOut, it’s important to focus on the common features they share:

Data Accuracy and Validation

Like Lusha and ContactOut, Swordfish AI emphasizes data accuracy. It goes a step further by offering real-time validation of cell phone line connectivity. This makes sure that the contact information is not just accurate but also currently in use.

Prospecting Tools

Swordfish AI provides a suite of tools for effective prospecting, similar to Lusha and ContactOut. These tools help users create targeted dialing/email lists quickly. They also use advanced filters for accurate lead generation.

Integration with Platforms

Well, Swordfish AI offers a Chrome Extension. It allows users to find contact information across various online platforms.

This feature is similar to ContactOut’s Chrome Extension and Lusha’s integration capabilities that make it versatile for different user needs.

Bulk Data Handling

Like its counterparts, Swordfish AI enables users to handle data in bulk. It’s basically useful for filling in missing contact information in CRM databases or creating large-scale prospect lists.

API for Scalability

Swordfish AI’s API feature enables the integration of its unique data into a wide range of applications, supporting scalability. This capability is essential for businesses, especially at the enterprise level.


Swordfish AI Pricing

Comparison Table: Lusha vs ContactOut vs Swordfish AI

Here is a comparison table highlighting these tools’ key features:

Features Lusha ContactOut Swordfish AI
Data Source Social networks, web, Salesforce 300M professional profiles 200x data partners
Integration Salesforce integration Chrome Extension, API integration Chrome Extension, API integration
Prospecting Tools Tools for B2B Prospecting Advanced search across 20+ data points Advanced filters for targeted dialing/email lists
Unique Feature Premium data on social networks and web Large database, not limited to LinkedIn Exclusive partnerships for unique cell phone data
Compliance Standard data protection and privacy laws CCPA and GDPR compliant Complies with data protection laws

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Lusha vs ContactOut vs Swordfish AI: Which One Should You Pick?

Choosing between Lusha, ContactOut, and Swordfish AI can be challenging as each has its unique strengths. There’s no clear winner, but your choice depends on your specific needs.

Lusha vs ContactOut vs Swordfish AI


If you’re looking for a tool with a strong focus on B2B contacts and company data, especially from social networks and the web, Lusha is your go-to. It’s known for its user-friendly interface and high data accuracy.

This makes it ideal for sales and marketing professionals who need reliable B2B information.


If your priority is a vast database with a broad range of professional profiles, including those not on LinkedIn, ContactOut should be your choice. It stands out for its AI-driven search capabilities and triple-verified data.

It offers a 99% confidence level in accuracy. This makes it useful for recruiters and sales reps seeking a wide array of contacts.

Swordfish AI

Swordfish AI is the best option if you need direct access to decision-makers through cell phone numbers. It’s known for its unique cell phone data, real-time line connectivity validation, and a complete suite of tools for prospecting.

This makes it a powerful tool for sales and recruitment professionals who need to reach prospects they couldn’t before.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion to Lusha vs ContactOut, both offer valuable tools for professionals seeking contact information. Lusha excels with its user-friendly interface and high-quality B2B data. This makes it a great choice for those focusing on social networks and web data.

ContactOut, with its vast database and AI-driven search, is ideal for those who need a wide range of professional contacts. If you’re in sales or marketing, Lusha might be more suited to your needs. While ContactOut is a better fit for extensive recruitment tasks.

However, if you want to get the best out of both tool, try out Swordfish AI. Its unique cell phone data and real-time validation makes it a strong competitor in this field as well.


Can I find non-LinkedIn contacts using Lusha?

Lusha mainly gathers data from social networks and the web. However, it is not specifically focused on finding contacts outside of LinkedIn like ContactOut.

Which is better for recruiting: Lusha or ContactOut?

For recruiting, ContactOut might be a better choice due to its extensive database and ability to find contacts not on LinkedIn. This offers a broader range of potential candidates.

Is Lusha more user-friendly than ContactOut?

Yes, Lusha is known for its user-friendly interface, making it easier for beginners or those who prefer simplicity. ContactOut, while also user-friendly, leans more towards advanced AI-driven search capabilities.

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