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How to Skip Trace a Phone Number: A Beginner’s Guide

May 25, 2024 Sales Lead Gen, Sales Leads

How to skip trace a phone number

Skip tracing phone numbers can be tough due to outdated and inaccurate data. As a real estate professional or investigator, you must have reliable services to quickly access current contact details. It’s not just about choosing between free or paid options.

Here’s how you can skip tracing a phone number effectively:

  • Use reputable paid services with comprehensive databases.
  • Conduct reverse phone lookups.
  • Review social media profiles.

These methods can help you get accurate contact details quickly and efficiently, boosting your success rate in locating individuals.

In the next sections, we’ll discuss how to skip trace a phone number in detail and answer common questions related to skip tracing. Keep reading to improve your success rate and avoid wasting time or resources.

What is Skip Tracing?

Skip tracing is the process of locating someone’s contact information, primarily using phone numbers. It involves using databases and online resources to find the most current contact details, helping you reach individuals who are hard to locate.

When you need to find someone who isn’t easy to reach, skip tracing can be a valuable tool. This technique primarily uses phone numbers to track down a person’s current contact information. 

It uses various public and private databases along with online resources to gather updated details. Whether you’re in debt collection, private investigation, or reconnecting with someone, using these resources effectively can significantly enhance the success of your search.

Remember, while skip tracing can be powerful, it’s also important to consider the ethical and legal aspects of how you use it.

How to Skip Trace a Phone Number

To skip tracing a phone number, you can rely on several tools and methods known for their effectiveness, accessibility, and efficiency. These resources help track down a phone number’s current location or owner. Here’s how to skip trace a phone number:

How to Skip Trace a Phone Number

1. Use Swordfish AI: Best Tool to Skip Trace a Phone Number


Swordfish AI is a powerful tool you can use to skip trace phone numbers effectively. It stands out for its ability to quickly uncover contact details such as cell phone numbers and emails with remarkable accuracy. 

With a massive database of over 3.5 billion profiles, Swordfish AI offers a 33% higher yield and 45% greater accuracy in retrieving phone numbers compared to its competitors. This tool verifies data in real time, ensuring the information you receive is both current and reliable. 

Additionally, its convenient Chrome extension allows you to integrate and pull data directly from platforms like LinkedIn, streamlining your search process. 

Whether you’re updating your database or refining contact lists, Swordfish AI enhances your skip tracing efforts by simplifying the process and delivering precise results.

Features of Swordfish AI

Let’s explore the key features of Swordfish AI to skip trace a phone number:

Prospect Search

Swordfish-AI-Prospector Tool

Swordfish AI’s Prospect Search feature helps you locate phone numbers by pulling data directly from professional and social media profiles. It can quickly gather the contact information you need, making your skip tracing efforts more focused and efficient.

Chrome Extension


The Chrome Extension allows you to seamlessly extract phone numbers and other contact details directly from web pages like LinkedIn. This integration means you can get accurate data without leaving your browser, speeding up the tracing process.

Enrich Files


Swordfish AI’s Enrich Files feature helps you skip trace a phone number by adding missing information from various sources. By uploading a list of numbers, you can quickly get the contact details you need, making your search faster and more accurate.

Reverse Lookup


If you have a phone number and company name but need more information, the Reverse Lookup can help. Enter the number, and Swordfish AI retrieves associated details like the owner’s name and email, which is essential for comprehensive skip tracing.

API Integration

Swordfish AI API Integration

Integrating Swordfish AI with your existing systems via API means you can automate the retrieval of phone numbers and other data. This seamless integration ensures that you can maintain efficient workflows and access real-time data updates.

Bombora Intent Data

Swordfish AI Bombora Intent Data

Using Bombora Intent Data, Swordfish AI identifies prospects showing buying signals relevant to your services. This feature not only helps in finding direct contact numbers but also prioritizes your tracing efforts towards more promising leads, enhancing efficiency and outcomes.

2. Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are surprisingly powerful tools for skip tracing. Here’s how you can use these platforms step by step:

  • Choose a Social Media Platform: Start with popular platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter. These sites often have detailed user profiles.
  • Login to Your Account: Ensure you’re logged into your social media account. Some information may only be visible if you’re signed in.
  • Use the Search Bar: Type the phone number into the platform’s search bar. This can be done on the homepage or in the search section.
  • Review the Results: Look through the search results for profiles that match the phone number. Check for names, photos, and other identifying details.
  • View the Profile: If you find a matching profile, click on it to see more information. Look for additional context such as location, workplace, and interests.
  • Take Notes: Record the useful details you find. This might include the person’s name, photo, job, and any other relevant information.
  • Repeat as Needed: If you don’t find what you’re looking for on one platform, try another social media site. Different platforms may yield different results.

3. Reverse Phone Lookup Services

When you have a phone number, name, or company name but need more details about the owner, reverse phone lookup services are incredibly useful. Here’s how you can use these services step by step:

  • Access the Website: Open your internet browser and navigate to the chosen reverse phone lookup service’s website.
  • Enter the Phone Number: Find the search bar on the website and enter the phone number you want to look up. Ensure you type the number correctly.
  • Start the Search: Click the search button to begin the lookup process. The website will start searching its database for matches.
  • Review the Results: Once the search is complete, the website will display any available information about the phone number. This might include the owner’s name, address, and other contact details.
  • Verify the Information: Cross-check the details you find with other information you may have. This helps ensure the accuracy of the results.
  • Take Notes: Record the useful details you find. This might include the person’s name, address, and other relevant information.
  • Repeat as Needed: If you don’t get satisfactory results from one service, try another reverse phone lookup website. Different services have different databases, and you might find more information elsewhere.

4. Search Engines

When you’re trying to find out more about a phone number, search engines like Google, Bing, and others can be surprisingly helpful. Here’s how you can use these tools step by step:

  • Choose a Search Engine: Start with popular search engines like Google or Bing.
  • Enter the Phone Number: Type the phone number into the search bar. Try different formats, such as with or without the country code and with dashes or spaces separating the segments (e.g., 123-456-7890 or +11234567890).
  • Start the Search: Press the search button to begin. The search engine will look for any matches on the web.
  • Review the Results: Look through the search results for any relevant information. You might find the number listed on business websites, personal blogs, or forums.
  • Check Business Websites: If the number is listed on a business website, it could be associated with a particular company. Take note of the company name and details.
  • Look at Personal Blogs: Personal blogs or websites might provide more personal details about the owner of the phone number.
  • Search Public Records: Sometimes the phone number might appear in public records. Look for any links to public databases or documents.
  • Read Forum Discussions: Forum discussions might mention the phone number and provide additional context or information about the owner.
  • Take Notes: Record any useful details you find during your search. This might include names, addresses, company affiliations, and other relevant information.
  • Repeat as Needed: If you don’t find enough information on one search engine, try another one. Different search engines might yield different results.

5. Local Public Records and Court Documents

If you’re trying to skip trace someone and know the area they might be in, local public records and court documents can be invaluable. By checking resources like voter registrations, you can see addresses linked to a person’s name, which might also lead to current or previous phone numbers. 

Court documents can reveal cases associated with an individual, providing additional addresses or contact information. Similarly, property records can show ownership details, including contact information for property owners. 

These records are usually accessible through government websites or local courthouses, depending on where you are searching. This approach requires some digging, but it’s a strong way to find not just phone numbers but also someone’s location and history.

Are There Legal Considerations to Keep in Mind When Skip Tracing?

Yes, legal considerations for skip tracing include getting permission when required, adhering to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, respecting privacy laws, and ensuring the use of information is for lawful purposes only. Always consult legal counsel to avoid potential legal issues. 

You must respect privacy laws, which can vary significantly from one jurisdiction to another. In many places, there are specific regulations about accessing and using personal data, especially without the individual’s consent.

If you’re using skip tracing for debt collection or repossession, you’ll need to comply with laws like FCRA in the United States. 

This act requires you to use information gathered from certain types of databases only for permissible purposes. It’s illegal to use this information for personal reasons, such as stalking or harassment.

Moreover, when you access public records, you must do so in a manner that respects the terms of use of the data source. For example, some sources may restrict how you can use the information you find.

Always ensure that your skip tracing methods are transparent and ethical. If you’re unsure about the legal implications of your skip tracing activities, it might be wise to consult with a legal professional to avoid potential legal issues. 

This approach not only protects you legally but also upholds the dignity and privacy of the individuals you’re researching.

How Can You Verify the Information Found Through Skip Tracing a Phone Number?

Verifying the information obtained through skip tracing a phone number is important for ensuring its accuracy and reliability. Here are some steps you can take to confirm the details and make sure the information you have is correct.

How Can You Verify the Information Obtained Through Skip Tracing a Phone Number

Cross-Reference with Multiple Sources

Don’t rely on a single source for your information. Check the same details across various databases and tools, such as reverse phone lookup services, public records, and social media platforms. This helps confirm the consistency of the information.

Use Trusted Databases

Stick to reputable and reliable databases and services that are known for accuracy. This might include services like Whitepages, Spokeo, or professional databases designed for skip tracing.

Follow Up with Phone Calls or Emails

Sometimes, directly contacting the number or email you’ve traced can verify if the information is current and correct. Be respectful and discreet if you choose to make contact.

Check Recent Activity

On social media or professional networking sites, examine the person’s latest posts or interactions. This can indicate whether the phone number linked to their profile is still active and in use.

Consult Public Records

Public records such as property registrations, court documents, and business licenses can confirm details related to a phone number. They provide additional proof that the phone number is associated with the individual you are researching.

Utilize Verification Tools

Tools like phone number validators or email checkers can test whether a contact detail is still operational. These tools are important for ensuring that the phone number and email address can receive communications.

What are the Common Uses of Skip Tracing for Phone Numbers?

Skip tracing for phone numbers can be really useful in several situations. Here’s how you might use it:

What are the Common Uses of Skip Tracing for Phone Numbers

Debt Collection

If you’re trying to collect a debt but can’t find the person who owes money, skip tracing can help find their current phone number. This makes it easier to reach out and discuss their outstanding payments.

Legal Purposes

Lawyers often need to locate witnesses or parties involved in legal cases who are hard to find. Skip tracing helps uncover updated contact information, ensuring that all relevant individuals can be contacted for legal proceedings.

Reconnecting with Lost Contacts

If you’ve lost touch with someone, like an old friend or a family member, skip tracing can be used to find their current phone number. This way, you can reconnect and catch up after years apart.

Real Estate and Asset Recovery

For real estate investors or companies trying to find property owners, skip tracing provides a way to find them through updated phone contact information. This is a must for discussing property-related matters or settling unresolved issues.

Background Checks and Verification

Employers and businesses often use skip tracing to verify contact details of potential hires or partners. It helps ensure that the information provided is accurate and that they reach out to the right individual.

How Accurate is the Information Obtained From Skip Tracing?

Skip tracing accuracy varies widely, depending on the quality of the data source, the methods and tools used, and the frequency of data updates. Reliable sources and frequent updates enhance accuracy.

Reputable skip tracing services like Swordfish AI tend to offer more reliable and accurate information. Swordfish AI is renowned for providing 33% more accurate and 45% more accurate phone numbers than competitors. 

However, since people often change their contact details and may not update all records consistently, there is always a possibility of encountering outdated or incorrect information. 

It’s important to cross-verify any important information obtained via skip tracing with other reliable sources whenever possible. 


In summary, we’ve looked at different ways to skip trace a phone number, pointing out the challenges and solutions. Accurate phone number tracing is important for you as a professional, allowing you to contact people efficiently and save time.

To ensure you get accurate and timely information, choosing a reliable provider is crucial. Among the available options, Swordfish AI is a top choice. It offers real-time data validation and access to up-to-date databases. 

This makes Swordfish AI highly accurate and dependable for your skip tracing needs.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can I skip trace a phone number for free?

Yes, there are free resources for skip tracing a phone number. However, they typically do not provide as comprehensive or accurate information as paid services.

What information can I find with skip tracing besides phone numbers?

Skip tracing can help you find a variety of information besides phone numbers, such as addresses and email addresses. It can also reveal associated relatives, employment history, and other personal details.

How long does it take to get results from skip tracing?

The time it takes to get results from skip tracing varies. It can be as quick as a few minutes or take several days, depending on the complexity of the search and the tools used.

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