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Commercial Roofing Leads: How to Find Top Sources for Roofers

May 8, 2024 Sales Leads

commercial roofing leads

The commercial roofing market in the United States is going through a period of modest growth, with forecasts showing an expansion to about 96.3 million squares by 2027.

This anticipated growth follows a notable surge in reroofing projects during 2020-2021. Yet, in this gradually expanding market, finding quality commercial roofing leads remains a challenge.

Finding the right commercial roofing leads is important, but pursuing the wrong ones can be costly in time and resources. 

So, we’ll explore a mix of innovative tools and traditional tactics to help generate reliable leads. Let’s get started. 

What are Commercial Roofing Leads?

Commercial roofing leads are prospective clients provided by specialized suppliers, connecting businesses in need of roofing services with contractors. These leads offer opportunities for commercial roofers to secure new projects and grow their client base.

The commercial roofing market in the USA is projected to grow slightly, expected to cover around 96.3 million squares by 2027. This modest increase is mainly due to fewer re-roofing projects compared to the surge seen in 2020-2021.

Sustainability is becoming more important in this industry. Energy-efficient roofing systems like cold roofs, which have high thermal resistance and help reduce energy costs, are becoming more popular.

There are also new technological developments in the industry, such as advanced systems to monitor and improve roof performance, which can extend the life and efficiency of roofs.

However, the industry is facing some challenges, like a shortage of skilled labor and fluctuating prices for raw materials due to supply chain issues. These problems can cause delays in project timelines and affect the overall growth of the industry.

Who Needs Commercial Roofing Leads?

Businesses looking to offer or improve roofing services benefit from targeting leads interested in commercial roofing projects. They can expand their market by actively targeting leads who are searching for roofing solutions.

Here are parties that need commercial roofing lead generation the most – 

Who Needs Commercial Roofing Leads

Roofing Contractors

Contractors seek commercial roofing leads for sale to find new clients, expand their market presence, and secure projects that can boost their portfolio and revenue.

Sales Teams

Sales professionals utilize used commercial roofing leads suppliers to identify and engage with potential customers, aiming to convert these leads into profitable contracts and long-term business relationships.

Marketing Managers

Those responsible for commercial roofing marketing rely on precise leads to tailor their campaigns towards the most promising prospects, optimizing their advertising spend and maximizing engagement.

Real Estate Developers

Developers use commercial roofing leads to connect with qualified roofing contractors who can deliver timely and effective roofing solutions for their construction projects.

Roofing Consultants

Consultants tap into a network of leads to offer their expertise and services to businesses that require specialized knowledge in commercial roofing for their projects.

How to Get The Best Commercial Roofing Leads

To secure the best commercial roofing leads, start with Swordfish AI, which offers tools like the Prospector Tool and Bombora Intent Data. Complement this with targeted digital marketing strategies, active social media engagement, and effective use of online directories. 

There’s more. We have listed 7 such strategies to get the best commercial roofing leads– 

How to Get The Best Commercial Roofing Leads

1. Using Swordfish AI: Your Partner in Commercial Roof Lead Generation


Swordfish AI transforms how you find new commercial roofing leads. Featuring a large database with over 3.5 billion data points, it provides access to essential contact details necessary for commercial roofing sales. 

We make sure that you’re always equipped with the most current information through real-time data verification, connecting you with leads primed for engagement.

Swordfish AI distinguishes itself with advanced algorithms designed to efficiently match your services with the right business contacts of roofing companies, simplifying the process of how to get commercial roofing jobs. 

For ones searching up ‘commercial roofing leads near me’ ,this system saves you time and effort, making every interaction count by giving you direct access to verified phone numbers and email addresses, thus reducing the chance of missing out on potential opportunities due to outdated information.

Features of Swordfish AI for Commercial Roofing Leads

Swordfish AI offers a suite of tools specifically designed to enhance commercial roofing marketing, simplifying the task of connecting with potential clients.

Here’s how each feature can help –

Prospector Tool


The Prospector is designed to ease your search for commercial roofing leads. It allows you to filter by industry, company size, and geographic location, helping you quickly identify contacts that meet your business criteria. 

This targeted approach ensures you focus on real estate leads that are more likely to need roofing services, optimizing your time and efforts.

Reverse Search


When you have partial information about a potential lead, the Reverse Search feature comes in handy. It helps complete the missing details, making it easier to locate more leads in specific regions or sectors. 

This feature is invaluable for broadening your reach and finding more targeted opportunities in the commercial roofing industry.

API Access

swordfish AI API Integration

Integrating Swordfish AI’s comprehensive data with your existing sales tools through API access keeps your strategies fresh and focused. You’re continuously working with the latest contact details, which keeps your outreach efforts efficient and relevant.

Bombora Intent Data

Swordfish AI Bombora Intent Data

This functionality uses Bombora Intent Data to identify businesses actively searching for commercial roofing services. By knowing who is in the market right now, you can time your outreach perfectly, increasing the likelihood of engaging a lead at the right moment.

Chrome Extension


With the Swordfish AI Chrome Extension, finding verified contact information becomes a seamless part of your online research. It’s particularly useful for exploring commercial roofing company leads on social platforms, putting key business stakeholders within your reach.

File Upload


The File Upload feature allows you to manage contact information in bulk, keeping your lead lists current with minimal effort. It integrates smoothly with CRM and ATS systems, ensuring your data remains accurate and readily accessible for your sales team.

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2. Networking and Industry Events 

Networking and attending industry events are crucial activities for expanding your commercial roofing business. 

These events provide a platform to meet potential clients and gain insights into the latest industry trends firsthand. Here are some strategies you can adopt–

Attend Trade Shows and Conferences

Trade shows and roofing industry conferences are vital for staying connected with the pulse of the industry. By participating in these events, you can meet potential clients in person and present your services directly to facility managers and property owners looking for reliable roofing solutions. 

For instance, having a booth at a well-known roofing expo can place you in direct contact with numerous potential roofing leads and work like a commercial roof lead generator. 

Join Industry Associations

Membership in industry associations offers numerous networking opportunities. These associations typically maintain directories and organize events that can facilitate connections with potential leads. 

Being an active member also elevates your reputation and visibility in the field, positioning you as a thought leader. 

Additionally, building relationships with construction companies can be mutually beneficial as they often require roofing partners for new projects and can recommend your services.

Utilize Interactive Opportunities

Every interaction at these events has the potential to generate leads. Engage in conversations during breaks, participate actively in Q&A sessions, and mingle at social events. 

Be prepared to succinctly describe what sets your roofing services apart. Always have business cards on hand to facilitate follow-up and future contact.

Follow Up After Events

The effort to convert contacts into clients doesn’t end when the event wraps up. Following up with new contacts is essential to develop those initial meetings into substantive business relationships. 

Send personalized emails to express your appreciation for their time and emphasize how your services can meet their specific roofing needs. This personal touch demonstrates your dedication to providing solutions.

Engage in Cross-Promotions

Partner with businesses that offer complementary services, such as construction companies, real estate firms, or building maintenance services.

Such partnerships allow you to cross-promote your services to each other’s client bases, potentially bringing in leads that come pre-vetted and more likely to convert.

Conduct Educational Workshops and Seminars

Organizing workshops or seminars on topics relevant to commercial roofing, such as sustainability practices, modern roofing technologies, or maintenance tips, can establish you as an authority in the field. 

These educational events attract business owners and facility managers eager to enhance their properties, providing you with a direct line to introduce your services.

3. Digital Marketing 

Establishing a online presence through digital marketing can revolutionize how you attract commercial roofing leads. As more people turn to the internet to find roofing solutions, here’s how you can capture their attention:

Search Engine Optimization

Making your website search-engine friendly is crucial. By using keywords related to commercial roofing services, you enhance your visibility in search engine results. Target phrases like “commercial roofing services in [Your City]” to attract local business. 

A well-optimized website doesn’t just increase traffic—it attracts the right traffic, those actively seeking commercial roofing solutions.

Developing Content to Showcase Expertise

Content marketing campaign is a powerful tool to establish your authority in the commercial roofing industry. 

Publishing informative articles, blog posts, or guides on topics like “How to Choose the Right Roofing Material” positions you as an expert and addresses client concerns proactively. Such content not only draws visitors or exclusive leads to your website but also builds trust in your brand as effective marketing efforts. 

Engaging on Social Media

Social media platforms are invaluable for connecting with potential leads in a marketing campaign. Platforms like LinkedIn are ideal for B2B connections, where you can join roofing-related groups and share your expertise. 

Utilizing Facebook and Twitter to post updates, promote your content, and interact with your audience can also enhance your visibility. Sharing stories of how you’ve overcome roofing challenges can illustrate your capabilities and attract prospective clients.

Utilizing Email Marketing

Email marketing offers a direct channel to engage potential clients who have expressed interest in your services. Sending personalized emails that cater to the specific needs of your audience can greatly improve engagement. 

Including case studies, testimonials, or useful links can add significant value to your communications. Regular newsletters that provide industry news, maintenance tips, or your latest roofing solutions can keep you top of mind for potential clients.

4. Social Media 

Using social media effectively can significantly enhance your ability to generate and connect with commercial roofing leads, offering opportunities for engagement and boosting your brand’s visibility. 

Here’s how you can leverage social media to attract more commercial roofing leads:

LinkedIn for Professional Networking

Consider LinkedIn a crucial platform for engaging with potential commercial roofing leads. 

Create a comprehensive profile that highlights your services and past project successes. Engaging in roofing and construction-related groups and contributing to discussions can position you as an expert in the commercial roofing sector. 

Share insights on industry challenges and solutions to stand out as a knowledgeable provider.

Engaging on Facebook and Twitter

Facebook and Twitter provide more casual platforms to connect with potential customers. Share updates about your services, industry news, and tips that property managers and building owners might find helpful. 

Posting about your clients’ successful projects can build trust and prompt others to reach out to you. These platforms also facilitate direct conversations through comments and messages, allowing personal interactions with prospective clients.

Using Instagram for Visual Storytelling

Instagram is perfect for visual storytelling. Post images and videos of ongoing projects, before-and-after shots of completed roofs, and your team in action. 

This type of content helps humanize your brand and showcases the tangible results of your work, making your services relatable and memorable to potential leads.

Creating Shareable Content

Develop content on Google Adwords that resonates with the needs and interests of your target market. Informative posts on the latest roofing materials, maintenance tips, or cost-saving strategies are valuable to your audience. 

When your content is shared, it extends your reach of commercial leads and reinforces your reputation as an industry expert, increasing the likelihood of generating new leads.

Staying Active and Responsive

Maintain an active presence on your social media channels and respond promptly to inquiries and comments. 

Showing that you are attentive and responsive to audience interactions can enhance your reputation as a reliable commercial roofing service provider. This proactive engagement can make a significant difference for businesses looking for trustworthy roofing solutions.

5.Developing Effective Referral Programs

Referral programs are a practical and impactful method to expand your list of commercial roofing leads. Encouraging satisfied customers to recommend your services can open doors to new projects. Here’s how to create a referral program that brings results:

Establish a Straightforward Referral Program

Develop a clear and simple referral program that your clients can easily understand and participate in. 

Consider offering a discount, a service upgrade, or other incentives for every new client they refer who signs a contract. This not only thanks them for their loyalty but also encourages them to actively promote your services.

Communicate Your Referral Program Clearly

You can make sure every client is aware of your referral program. Mention it during project completions, detail it in your communications such as emails, and promote it on your social media channels. 

The more your clients understand the benefits of the program, the more likely they are to engage with it.

Provide Appealing Rewards

Offer rewards that truly resonate with your clients. This could be a discount on future services, a gift card, or even a cash bonus, depending on what aligns best with your clients’ values. 

Attractive rewards can motivate your clients to participate enthusiastically in the program.

Monitor and Show Appreciation for Referrals

Keep a close record of referrals and acknowledge every referring client. Recognizing their contributions with a personalized thank you note or a small gift can foster ongoing loyalty and encourage a continuous flow of referrals. 

Tracking these referrals also helps you understand how effective your referral program is and where it could be improved.

Engage and Update Your Network on Program Successes

Regularly update your clients on the successes of the referral program. Share stories and testimonials of new projects gained through referrals to demonstrate the program’s effectiveness. 

This not only keeps the program top of mind but also shows clients the direct impact of their referrals, reinforcing the benefits of continuing to recommend your services.

6. Optimizing Online Directories

Using online directories effectively can elevate your commercial roofing business’s visibility to potential customers. Here’s how you can make the most of these resources –

Select Appropriate Directories

Begin by choosing directories that cater specifically to the construction and roofing industries or those that include sections for building services. 

Being listed in specialized directories like Roofing Contractors Association or Building Service Directories can position your business in front of potential clients who are actively seeking roofing solutions.

Maintain Current Listings

Keeping your directory information up-to-date is essential. Ensure that your contact details, services offered, and any promotional material are current. 

Set periodic reminders to review and update your listings, especially after any significant changes in your services or company details. This helps make sure that prospects always find accurate information.

Solicit Reviews and Feedback

Positive feedback on these directories can substantially improve your credibility. Encourage your satisfied customers to leave reviews by sending them a follow-up message after a project’s completion, including a link directly to the directory page. 

Prospective clients often rely on these reviews to assess the quality and reliability of your services.

Actively Engage with Your Listings

Do not merely list your services and forget. Stay active by monitoring and responding to any comments or questions on your listings. Showing that you’re attentive and responsive to inquiries can make a significant difference. A thoughtful reply to a potential client’s question could be the deciding factor in choosing your services.

7. Implementing Paid Online Advertisements 

Investing in paid online advertising is a straightforward approach to connect with potential commercial roofing clients. Well-targeted ads can place your message directly in front of people who are actively searching for roofing services.

Selecting the Right Advertising Platforms

Identify platforms where your prospective clients are likely to engage. For commercial roofing, this may include industry-related websites, online trade publications, and social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook.

 Platforms like Google Ads are also beneficial for reaching individuals searching for specific roofing solutions through targeted search queries.

Designing Targeted Ad Campaigns

The effectiveness of your paid ads depends largely on their relevance. Tailor your ad campaigns to address the needs of those searching for commercial roofing services. 

Incorporate keywords and phrases they might use, such as “commercial roofing contractors” or “eco-friendly roofing solutions.” This specificity helps attract the type of clients that your business is equipped to serve.

Monitoring and Adjusting Your Campaigns

Active management of your advertising efforts is necessary. Continuously monitor the performance of your ads to gauge their effectiveness. 

If an ad isn’t performing as expected, refine the messaging or explore alternative platforms to optimize your reach and investment.

Employing Retargeting Strategies

Retargeting can significantly increase conversion rates by reminding individuals who have previously visited your website but did not engage further. 

Displaying your ads to these visitors reinforces your brand and keeps your services top-of-mind, potentially prompting them to revisit and initiate contact.

Highlighting Your Unique Value Propositions

Ensure your advertisements clearly outline what makes your roofing services superior. Whether it’s your experience, quality of materials, or exceptional customer service, these points should compel potential clients to learn more about your business. 

Effective ads convey the benefits of your services, encouraging viewers to click through for more information.


Commercial roofing market changes by the day. So, when it comes to getting commercial roofing leads, It’s important to utilize a combination of strategies. 

It can include engaging actively on social media, optimizing your SEO efforts, and choosing the right platforms for your paid advertisements. 

Also, remember that following up effectively and understanding the unique needs of each lead can significantly boost your conversion rates.

For those looking to enhance their lead generation process, Swordfish AI offers a robust solution. With its advanced tools like the Prospector Tool, API access, and Bombora Intent Data, Swordfish AI helps you connect with high-quality leads. 

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How do I choose the right commercial roofing leads?

To select appropriate commercial roofing leads, assess factors such as the potential client’s project size, type of roofing needed, budget limitations, and timeline. 

What are the best practices for following up with commercial roofing leads?

Following up effectively with commercial roofing leads means responding swiftly to inquiries, communicating clearly and professionally, and providing specific details about how your services can meet their needs. Customize your follow-up messages to address each lead’s unique requirements and clearly outline the next steps they should take.

How can I increase the conversion rate of my commercial roofing leads?

To increase the conversion rate of your commercial roofing leads, deeply understand their specific needs and project requirements. Offer solutions that not only meet but exceed their expectations, showcase your expertise, and consistently deliver outstanding customer service. 

Can digital marketing help in generating commercial roofing leads?

Yes, digital marketing is an effective strategy for generating commercial roofing leads. Implementing SEO techniques can enhance your visibility online, making it easier for potential clients to find you.

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