How Swordfish

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4.8/5 on Google Chrome


Why Swordfish is the best choice

Verified cell phone data
Unrivalled cell phone data

No one has as much or as accurate cell phone data as us - that's a fact!

Fuel your SDR’s
Search on more sites than any
other platform

Our Google Chrome extension isn't just limited to LinkedIn

x your dial speed
Better data, better value

Access better data at a lower cost, with no platform access restrictions

How does Swordfish Compare?

Swordfish compare
Apollo compare Zoominfo compare Lusha compare
Plan Details
Plan Cost $$ $$ $$$$ $$
Contact records 3.5b 250m 220m 100m
Prospecting tool Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
Chrome extension Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
Reverse search Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
Enrichment Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
API access Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
Intent data Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
Social searches
LinkedIn Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
Facebook Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
Twitter / X Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
GitHub Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
Dribbble Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
StackOverflow Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
200+ live data partners Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
Real-time validation Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
Reporting Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
Dashboard Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
Integrations Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
CSV export Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
Email / Chat Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare Apollo compare
Google Chrome Store 4.8 4.5 4.2 4.6

Made for enterprise recruitment and sales teams

Company Logo

Swordfish is THE best tool for finding cell phone numbers.

Da Costa

400% more cleared candidates

1000+ hours cut in sourcing time

5x increase in connects

Prospect cell phone data that works

The leader in cell phone number accuracy
and match rates - as tested by all our customers.

33%+ more cell phone numbers than leading providers
45%+ more accurate cell phone numbers than leading providers
100% real time line connectivity validation
100% will make your team say "thank you" to you
Platform Platform

Live data partners

Swordfish use live data partners for the freshest contact data. Incorrect or stale contact data wastes valuable time, demoralizes teams, and stunts productivity and opportunity for wins. Choosing live data partners ensures our contact data is always up-to-date.

Unlimited database
access with no credit type restrictions

Gain full access to Swordfish's database of over 3.5b billion contact records, we don't split data up and charge or restrict by region. Have the freedom to use your credits how you see fit - we don't restrict credits to be used on specified products, contact types or regions.

Platform Platform

Trusted by 50,000+ sales & recruitment professionals arrow-button-black

G2_1 G2_2 G2_3
G2_4 G2_5

Don't trust our word - trust our customers


In the defence sector, having access to accurate phone numbers is critical, and Swordfish has consistently provided the best contact information. As a reputable company in the sourcing community, Swordfish is highly recommended for its exceptional contact data, particularly in this field.

Justen Baxter
Talent Acquisition Sourcing Manager for North America, Mexico and Australia
Justen Baxter
Talent Acquisition Sourcing Manager for North America, Mexico and Australia

Since implementing Swordfish the time savings have enabled the company to focus on core activities and reduce costs. This resulted in increased efficiency and productivity.

Dean Da Costa
Recruiting Influencer

After evaluating several options, we found that Swordfish was the best choice. Not many competitors could match its accuracy when it came to sourcing company emails. We were impressed with its ability to do everything we needed it to do.

Kate Schwering
Assistant Recruiter
Kate Schwering
Assistant Recruiter

Incorporating swordfish into our operations has significantly enhanced our coverage. Thanks to its aid, we now possess access to more accurate and reliable information, which has allowed us to communicate with a wider audience. Swordfish made managing the team and tracking their progress a breeze. As a result, productivity improved and the team was able to achieve its goals more quickly and efficiently by incorporating an additional tool.

Michael Bourassa
Revenue Technology Coordinator
Michael Bourassa
Revenue Technology Coordinator

A main use case of ours was to find personal contact information, and we found exactly what we were looking for after checking out the Swordfish website and G2 reviews. We were able to not only find contact information but it was also so fast and accurate thanks to the Chrome extension.

Stacey Papernaya
Manager Talent Solutions
Motion Recruitment
Stacey Papernaya
Manager Talent Solutions
Motion Recruitment

Swordfish AI has been easy to use and provided accurate data. I could not get my job done without it!

Michael Flannery
Chair of Private CEO Peer Advisory Groups
Motion Recruitment
Michael Flannery
Chair of Private CEO Peer Advisory Groups
Motion Recruitment
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