Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate is your data?

How accurate is your data?

There is no such thing as a platform with perfect contact data - let's start with that. You can confidently expect an average of 80% accuracy on our cell phone data worldwide and 95%+ on our email data.

We use a blend of live partners as well as our own proprietary email validation and phone line connectivity validation in real time before returning results to you. Each phone and email record is marked with green checkmarks ✅ ✅ to indicate the most likely valid data.

Don't take our word for it - grab a and see for yourself.

Does Swordfish comply with GDPR?

Does Swordfish comply with GDPR?

Swordfish does not provide contact data on known EU based individuals.

Does Swordfish comply with CCPA?

Does Swordfish comply with CCPA?

Yes! Swordfish is fully compliant with CCPA is registered as a data broker with the California Attorney General’s office. If you would like to opt out or stop your information being displayed in our service, visit the opt out page below.

How does the chrome extension work?

How does the chrome extension work?

Once installed, the Swordfish button displays on the side of the page when browsing LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook and in the nav-bar. Click on the extension to check if data is available for the profile/website. Check Auto-Open for the extension to open whenever you visit a profile page. When Swordfish finds contact information for a profile, a preview of the details appears with "Show" button. Clicking "Show" reveals the full contact information is counted as using a credit. If Swordfish is unable to verify the details for a contact, "Show" will not display button and no credits are used.

Can I use Swordfish for free?

Can I use Swordfish for free?

Unfortunately no longer. Swordfish requires a paid account. You can talk to us about a custom free trial that fits your organization’s goals and needs via the livechat below.

Will my credits rollover?

Will my credits rollover?

Yes! As long as you are subscribed to Swordfish, all of your credits rollover each month. On annual plans, credits rollover when renewing annually.

Should you decide to cancel your Swordfish subscription, your credits will expire. However, we will honour any past remaining credits in your account if returning within a 3 month time period, valid one time per year.

What does a credit give me?

What does a credit give me?

One credit gives you all the information we are able to return based on the profile or data you search by.

Is uncovering the same contact several times counted each time?

Is uncovering the same contact several times counted each time?

Negative! The Swordfish extension keeps a tab on the profiles you enrich. Once you have "Shown" information, it is saved for your viewing when you come back to that page or go to the other social profiles we connected to that profile. This means that if you go on Bruce Wayne's LinkedIn, and we made the connection to his Facebook account, his information will be waiting for you in both places!

Can I share my credits with other users?

Can I share my credits with other users?

On plans that have Team Management enabled, you can add users, set credit limits for team members, view their usage and gauge ROI for all team members. Credits do not get used twice if 'showing' the same profile. You can also see the contact information other team members have 'shown'.

What if I need a larger plan?

What if I need a larger plan?

Please reach out to support via livechat

Can I hide the side tab?

Can I hide the side tab?

Yes! You can HIDE the side tab from your page by:

1) Right-clicking the icon in the *toolbar*
2) Press options
3) Unselect 'Show side tab on websites’.

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