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17 Best Text SMS Marketing Strategies: Boost Your Campaigns

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Picture this: 85% of Americans have a smartphone, and 71% reach for it within the first 10 minutes of their day. This incredible attachment to mobile devices has elevated SMS marketing to a whole new level.

Surprisingly, more than twice as many people prefer hearing from brands through text messages rather than social media. What’s even more astounding is that 96% of them are happy to receive a brand text every week.

The secret to mastering SMS marketing? Start small and gradually build up. Think of it as taking baby steps before a confident stride. This gradual approach holds the key to unlocking the very best text SMS marketing strategies.

What is SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing, in simple terms, is a way for businesses to communicate with their customers through text messages. It’s a direct and personal channel that allows brands to share promotions, updates, and important information with their audience.

Now, let’s talk about how effective SMS marketing can be. US brands use SMS marketing campaigns all so often!

There are primarily three types of SMS marketing

  • Promotional SMS Marketing: This type alerts customers to special deals and sales, aiming to foster brand loyalty.
  • Transactional SMS Marketing: It keeps customers in the loop about their orders, sending messages like order confirmations, shipping updates, and delivery confirmations.
  • Two-way SMS Marketing: Usually employed for support services, this allows customers and a support agent to engage in an active SMS conversation.

How Effective is SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing is highly effective because it caters to what consumers want. Here’s a look at some compelling statistics from Klaviyo’s consumer sentiment report:

  • More than twice as many shoppers prefer hearing from brands via text message rather than over social media.
  • A whopping 73% of consumers have made a purchase based on receiving a text message from a brand, with over half of them doing so 2-3 times.
  • It’s noteworthy that 95% of consumers subscribe to less than 7 brands via SMS, indicating that if you have their number, they genuinely want to hear from you.
  • 33% of consumers now favor texting as a convenient and efficient way to connect with businesses for questions or inquiries. Moreover, a significant 45% of consumers made a purchase from a brand after receiving a special offer via text.
  • Furthermore, it’s encouraging to see that a substantial 81% of business owners and marketing managers are integrating SMS marketing with other platforms. This integrated approach is paying off, with 91% of participants reporting higher conversion rates in campaigns that include SMS.

Best Text SMS Marketing Strategies: 17 Proven Methods

Worldwide, 18.7 billion text SMS messages are sent and received daily. The SMS marketing industry is projected to reach $12.6 billion by 2025, with an estimated global spend of $327 billion on SMS marketing. These figures illustrate the immense scope and potential of SMS as a powerful marketing tool.

Explore 17 battle-tested best SMS marketing examples and strategies to engage customers and boost conversions. From personalized messaging to strategic timing, these methods ensure your brand stands out –

1. Write Clear Messages

Alright, let’s kick things off with a crucial strategy: keeping your messages crystal clear. When you send an SMS, you want it to be short, sweet, and to the point. Think of it like chatting with a friend – you wouldn’t want to confuse them with jumbled words, right?

For example, if you’re promoting a sale, your message could be:

“Hey there! Don’t miss out on our 30% off sale this weekend. Use code SAVE30 at checkout. Happy shopping!”

See how straightforward that is? It tells you what’s happening and what to do, and even adds a friendly touch. Clear messages make sure your subscribers get your point without any fuss. Remember, simple is often best!

2. Have a Clear Call-to-Action

SMS marketing has a notable average click-through rate of 19.3%, which is considerably higher than email marketing.

In comparison, MailChimp’s average email marketing click-through rate stands at just 4.2%. This data highlights the potency of SMS messages in engaging consumers and driving action

In marketing, a CTA is typically used to guide potential customers towards a desired outcome, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a resource. having a clear call-to-action (CTA).

This is like giving your subscribers a friendly nudge in the right direction. When they read your message, they should know exactly what you want them to do next.

For instance, if you’re promoting a new product, your message could say:

“Introducing our latest gadget! Tap the link to explore and get 10% off your first order. Happy exploring!”

Here, the CTA is clear: “Tap the link to explore.” It guides the reader to take action. Whether it’s “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” or “Subscribe Today,” make sure your CTA leaves no room for confusion. This way, your subscribers know exactly how to engage with your offer. Easy, right?

3. Pick a Cadence and Stick to it

Alright, now let’s talk about consistency. It’s like meeting a friend for coffee every Saturday – you know what to expect, and it builds trust. The same goes for SMS marketing.

Decide how often you’ll send messages and stick to that schedule. Whether it’s once a week or twice a month, consistency is key. This way, your subscribers will come to anticipate and even look forward to your messages.

Here’s an example:

“Hey there! It’s Saturday, which means it’s time for your weekly update. Check out our latest arrivals and grab them before they’re gone!”

See? By establishing a regular cadence, you create a rhythm that keeps your audience engaged and eager for your messages. So, choose a frequency that works for you, and make it a habit. You’ve got this!

4. Achieve a Higher ROI

This is where your SMS marketing really shines. It’s like turning a small investment into a big win.

By sending targeted, relevant messages, you’re more likely to see a higher conversion rate. This means more sales and a better return on the money you’ve invested in your marketing efforts.

Here’s an example:

“Exclusive offer just for you! Use code SMS10 for 10% off your next purchase. Hurry, it expires in 48 hours!”

See how a well-crafted message can lead to direct action? That’s the power of SMS marketing when done right. So, focus on crafting messages that resonate with your audience and watch that ROI soar! Keep up the good work!

5. Include Personalization with Each Text Message

Personalization is a game-changer in SMS marketing. It’s not just about using their first name. It’s about understanding their preferences and behaviors.

If you run an online fashion store, and you know a customer frequently shops for athletic wear, you can send them a message like “New collection of premium workout gear just in! Check it out.”

Think of it like addressing a friend by their name. When you personalize your messages, it shows that you value your customers as individuals, not just numbers on a list.

For instance, instead of a generic “Hello,” you could say “Hi [Customer’s Name]!” It instantly makes the message feel more tailored and engaging.

Here’s an example:

“Hi Sarah! We noticed you love our fitness gear. Enjoy an extra 15% off on your next fitness purchase, just for you!”

This level of personalization makes customers feel understood and valued. It shows that you’re paying attention to their needs and interests.

So, make sure you’re collecting and analyzing customer data. Use it to tailor your messages and offers for maximum impact. This way, you’re not just sending generic texts, but ones that truly resonate with each individual.

6. Choose the Right Timing

Timing is crucial in SMS marketing. You don’t want to send a message in the middle of the night, right? That would be a surefire way to annoy your customers.

Think about when your audience is most likely to engage with their phones. It could be during lunch breaks, after work, or on weekends.

One of the top B2B SMS marketing examples is to test different times to see what works best for your specific audience. For example, if you run a fitness app, sending a motivational message like “Ready to crush your workout today?” in the morning might be super effective.

It hits them when they’re most likely to be thinking about their fitness goals. Remember, it’s about being relevant and respectful of your customers’ time.

7.Compliance and Legal Considerations

Adhering to SMS regulations is crucial for a successful SMS marketing strategy. Ensure you understand the legal requirements and follow best practices to maintain compliance.


Dear valued customer, we want to inform you that you are receiving this SMS because you opted in to receive updates from us. If you wish to unsubscribe, simply reply with ‘STOP’. Thank you!

8. Integrating SMS with Your Marketing Tech Stack

By integrating SMS with your existing tools, you can manage all your marketing channels from a single platform. This means you can plan, execute, and monitor campaigns more efficiently.

Consistent Customer Experience: When SMS is integrated, you can ensure that your messaging is consistent across all channels. This helps in maintaining a unified brand image and providing a seamless experience to your customers.

9. Utilizing ESPs for Opt-Ins

Leverage Email Service Providers (ESPs) to collect opt-ins for both email and SMS, expanding your reach and engagement. Using Email Service Providers (ESPs) as an action research tool is a savvy strategy to enhance your marketing efforts.

An ESP is a software platform that facilitates email marketing campaigns. It provides tools for creating and sending mass emails, managing subscriber lists, and tracking email performance.

10. Using E-Commerce Platforms for Customized Campaigns

They’re like your backstage pass to understand your audience better. You get to know what they browse, what they buy, and what they’re interested in.

Now, why is this gold? Because armed with this knowledge, you can craft SMS messages that feel tailor-made for each person. It’s like having a personal shopper whispering in your ear, guiding you towards what each customer would love to hear.

SMS marketing boasts an impressive average open rate of around 98%, whereas email marketing lags behind with an average open rate of about 21%. This stark difference underscores the effectiveness and direct reach of SMS messages in comparison to emails.

Say a customer often looks at shoes but hasn’t made a purchase yet. With e-commerce data, you can send them an SMS with a special shoe offer, making them feel like you’ve got their style preferences on lock!

11. Experiment and A/B Test Campaigns

A/B testing is a powerful tool in SMS marketing. It allows you to compare two versions of a message to see which performs better. This can include variations in wording, timing, or even the offer itself.

For example, you could send one group of customers a message with a 10% discount and another with free shipping. You can fine-tune your approach by tracking which offer leads to more conversions.

Let’s say the free shipping offer generates higher conversion rates. You can then adjust your future campaigns to focus on this enticing offer.

By regularly conducting A/B tests, you ensure your SMS marketing strategy is always evolving and optimizing for the best results.

Have you tried A/B testing in your marketing efforts before? It can be a game-changer for refining your SMS campaigns.

12. Utilize Triggered Messages for Key Customer Touch Points

Triggered messages are highly effective for engaging customers at critical points in their journey. They allow you to respond to specific actions or behaviors, providing timely and relevant information.


Hi [Customer Name], we noticed you added items to your cart but haven’t checked out yet. Don’t miss out – complete your purchase now and enjoy [Offer]! Click here to return to your cart: [Link]

13. Implement Two-way Conversational Messages

Alright, here’s a game-changer: two-way conversations. This means you’re not just talking to your customers; you’re talking with them. It’s like having a real conversation but through text.

Encourage your customers to reply to your messages. Ask for their feedback, answer their questions, or simply have a friendly chat. This creates a deeper connection and shows that you value their input.

For instance, if you’re a fashion brand, you can send a message like, “Hey fashionista! We’ve got some new arrivals. Which style are you loving this season?” This not only engages your customer but also provides valuable insights into their preferences.

Remember, it’s all about building a relationship. When customers feel heard and valued, they’re more likely to stick around. What’s up next on your list?

14. Use Segmentation for Personalization

Segmentation involves categorizing your audience based on specific criteria like demographics, behavior, or preferences. This allows you to send highly targeted messages that resonate with each group.

For instance, you can segment your audience based on their purchase history. Customers who frequently buy a certain type of product may receive tailored recommendations or exclusive offers related to that category.

This level of personalization can significantly increase engagement and conversion rates. It shows your customers that you understand their interests and are providing value that’s relevant to them.

By employing segmentation in your SMS marketing campaign, you can deliver more impactful messages and ultimately drive higher ROI.

15. Transactional Messages for Enhanced Customer Experience

Transactional messages play a vital role in enhancing customer experience. They provide crucial information and updates about orders, ensuring transparency and building trust.


Hey [Customer Name], your order #[Order Number] has been confirmed and is now being processed. You can track its status through the link below. If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this message. Thank you for choosing [Your Brand]!

Reduce Support Inquiries through Proactive Communication

By sending timely updates and information via SMS, you can preemptively address potential concerns and queries. This reduces the number of incoming support inquiries, leading to a smoother customer experience.


Hello! We wanted to let you know that your package is out for delivery and should arrive by [Estimated Delivery Time]. If you have any questions, simply reply to this message. We’re here to help!

16. Continuously Monitor and Adjust SMS Marketing Strategies

Regularly analyzing performance metrics and adapting your strategies is crucial for achieving optimal results in SMS marketing.

Following up an email with a text message can significantly boost open rates by 20-30%, according to Adobe.


Hi there! We’ve noticed that our mid-week promotional messages are getting great response rates. Starting next month, we’ll focus on sending more offers on Wednesdays. Thanks for being a part of our community!

Pro-Level Tips for SMS Marketing Mastery

Here are a few expert tips for SMS marketing –

  • Test Different CTAs: Experiment with various call-to-actions to see which prompts the best response from your audience.
  • Avoid Over-Messaging: Strike a balance between staying engaged and avoiding message fatigue. Respect your audience’s preferences for message frequency.
  • Use URL Shorteners: When including links, use URL shorteners to save space and ensure clean, clickable links in your SMS.
  • Compliance Vigilance: Stay updated with SMS regulations and compliance standards to maintain a healthy and effective SMS marketing program.
  • Opt-In Renewal Campaigns: Periodically remind subscribers of their opt-in and provide an easy way to reconfirm their interest.
  • Monitor Delivery Rates: Keep an eye on delivery rates and promptly address any issues to ensure your messages reach their intended audience.
  • Test Message Length: Experiment with shorter or longer messages to find the optimal length that resonates with your audience.
  • AI for Personalization: Consider using AI-driven tools to analyze customer data and send highly personalized messages. Almost half of consumers, accounting for 46%, express indifference whether they engage with an SMS chatbot or a live agent.

Revolutionize Your SMS Marketing with Swordfish AI

In SMS marketing, having the right contacts is key. Swordfish Ai is the tool you need. It has more data than any other platform – over 3.5 billion profiles. It gives you an edge.

With real-time updates and carrier partnerships for verification, Swordfish Ai ensures accuracy. Plus, it offers premium business emails.

Swordfish Ai also excels at search and filtering. It integrates seamlessly with your CRM or ATS, making lead generation easy. With verified cell phone data, you get an 82% accuracy on the first dial and 95% overall accuracy.

Trusted by over 25,000 professionals, Swordfish Ai speeds up dialing, increases revenue, and earns you recognition. Try Swordfish Ai now to supercharge your SMS marketing!

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In a nutshell, we’ve explored a range of the best text SMS marketing strategies, each tailored to turbocharge your SMS marketing efforts.

From crafting concise messages to ensuring smooth transitions and making the most of triggered messages for those crucial touchpoints, we’ve got you covered. Putting these tactics into play is your key to unleashing the true power of SMS marketing.

By adopting these top-notch text messaging strategies, you’ll forge a direct and impactful connection with your audience. This not only amps up engagement but also leads to higher conversion rates, ultimately propelling your brand to new heights of success.

So, dive in, apply these strategies, and watch your SMS campaigns thrive!


Is SMS marketing suitable for all types of businesses?

Yes, SMS marketing can benefit a wide range of businesses, from small local shops to large e-commerce stores. It’s especially effective for businesses that rely on customer engagement and timely promotions.

What’s the ideal frequency for sending SMS messages?

The frequency depends on your specific audience and their preferences. However, it’s generally recommended to strike a balance, avoiding both excessive messaging that could be seen as spam and infrequent messaging that may lead to reduced engagement.

How do I handle customer opt-outs effectively?

It’s important to honor opt-out requests promptly. Once a customer opts out, ensure they are removed from your SMS list and no further messages are sent. This demonstrates respect for their preferences and helps maintain a positive brand image.

Can I include multimedia elements like images or videos in SMS messages?

Generally, SMS messages are limited to plain text. However, you can include links to multimedia content hosted on your website or other platforms.

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