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8 Best Follow Up Email Subject Lines to Increase Your Open Rates

March 13, 2024 Prospect, Sales
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 best follow up email subject lines

Do you dread sending follow up emails because you need help to think of the right subject line? Crafting the perfect subject for a professional follow-up email can be a struggle, we understand. 

You want to get your message across without sounding overly pushy or repetitive. How do you walk that fine line between persistent and annoying? How can you spark interest and get your follow-up emails opened?

Well, the solution is learning how to write the best follow up email subject lines that capture attention and convey your message.

In this article, you’ll discover some of the top formulas for writing subject lines that get your emails read. With these tips on the email subject lines, you can create compelling, professional work tailored to any situation.

What is an Email Subject Line?

The email subject line is the short phrase that appears at the top of an email message in the subject field. Typically limited to 50 characters or fewer, the subject line’s main purpose is to summarize the content and purpose of the email concisely. 

A good subject for follow-up email to client gives them an immediate idea of what the message is about before they even open it. It should catch the reader’s attention, highlighting key information about the email’s content or call to action in just a few words. 

Moreover, strong email subject lines improve open rates as they pique recipients’ curiosity and make messages stand out in crowded inboxes. Subject lines also aid organization and searchability. 

What is an Email Subject Line

A research from Experian shows that subject line quality impacts open rates by 29.3% on average. It’s with emails featuring personalized or benefit-focused subjects seeing significant increases in opens.

Thus, rather than generically stating “Email” or “Message,” thoughtful subject lines allow recipients to flag important conversations and quickly locate messages when needed. 

Importance of Follow up Email Subject Lines

Follow-up email subject lines play a crucial role in effective communication. Here are some key reasons why taking the time to craft compelling subject lines is so important:

Follow up Email Subject Lines

Subject Lines Set Clear First Impressions

The subject line creates initial opinions about an email before the recipient even opens it. A thoughtful and professional subject line makes a strong first impression and sets positive expectations about your message. 

On the other hand, a vague, misleading, or overly salesy subject creates doubts and inhibits open rates.

Compelling Subjects Boost Open Rates

Studies consistently show higher open rates for emails with clear, benefit-driven subject lines versus generic subjects. Creative approaches like questions, urgency, and personalization also spark curiosity. 

So, if recipients see no compelling reason to open an email based on the subject, they simply won’t.

Subjects Help Recipients Organize and Prioritize

Scanning email subjects allows recipients to identify priorities for follow-up amidst overflowing inboxes quickly. They can flag important conversations under relevant subject lines for later follow-up. 

Therefore, strong subjects give context so recipients know which emails warrant attention.

Descriptive Subjects Improve Searchability

When recipients need to find a particular email conversation again, descriptive subjects enable easy searching compared to generic subjects like “Re: Update” or “Question.” 

Taking the time to build unique and specific subject lines improves organization, remember that.

Subjects Set Expectations for Tone and Relationships

The language and style of the subject line convey formality, tone and the nature of the relationship. 

Note that, a casual subject sets more relaxed expectations while a formal subject line indicates an official, professional purpose. Subjects establish context about the communication.

Spark Interest by Highlighting Relevance

Generic subject lines get lost in busy inboxes, trust us. Forming subjects that speak directly to the recipient’s interests, goals or needs makes the email stand out and provides an incentive to open it. 

It’s because demonstrating relevance drives engagement, as simple as that.

Subjects Reduce Misunderstandings

Last but not least, when the subject line summarizes the purpose or content of the message, recipients open the email with proper context about the sender’s intent and meaning. This reduces miscommunications from the start.

8 Best Follow-Up Email Subject Lines with Examples

When it comes to follow-up emails, the subject line is your first impression and your best chance to get noticed. Here are 8 best follow-up email subject lines, each with an explanation and example to ensure your next email stands out in a crowded inbox.

1. “Quick Question About Your Presentation Tips”

Follow up Email Subject Lines

This subject line is ideal when you’ve recently attended a presentation or meeting and want to follow up on a specific aspect. It’s concise and indicates that you have a focused question, which can prompt a quick response. 

For example, if the recipient recently gave tips on presenting, they’ll be primed to answer your query.

2. “Touching Base on Our Last Chat About Event Planning”

Touching Base Chat About Event Planning

Use this when you’ve had a prior conversation about a specific project or event. It’s friendly and reminds the recipient of the context. Plus, it makes it more likely they’ll remember you and the importance of your email.

3. “Following Up on Our Discussion About the Q2 Budget”

Following Up Q2 Budget

This subject line works well after a meeting where important topics like budgets are discussed. 

It shows that you’re on top of things and eager to continue the conversation, which can encourage the recipient to view you as a diligent partner or colleague.

4. “Missed You at the Webinar, [Name]”

the Webinar

Personalization with the recipient’s name can significantly increase open rates. This subject line is especially effective if you’re following up after an event the recipient was unable to attend. 

Also, it opens the door to providing them with a summary or key takeaways.

5. “New Insights on the Marketing Strategy We Discussed”

New Insights on the Marketing Strategy

When you’ve discussed strategies or plans and have new information to add, this subject line suggests that your email contains valuable updates. 

Well, it’s a great way to keep the conversation going and show that you’re actively thinking about the topics that matter to your recipient.

6. “Let’s Revisit Your Thoughts on the New Product Line”

Let's Revisit the New Product Line

This subject line is a direct invitation for further discussion. It’s particularly effective if the recipient previously expressed interest or opinions about a topic, as it shows you value their input and are open to hearing more.

7. “Hope You’re Well: A Quick Follow-Up on Our Partnership”

Hope You're Well

Starting with a personal note shows empathy and can warm up the recipient to your message. This subject line is great for continuing discussions about ongoing collaborations or partnerships. 

This implies that you’re considerate of the relationship beyond just business.

8. “Exciting Opportunity Awaiting Your Review: Exclusive Partnership”

Exciting Opportunity Awaiting Review

This one is powerful because it hints at something beneficial for the recipient. It’s particularly effective if you’re offering a new opportunity or proposal, as it creates intrigue and suggests that the recipient stands. It’s to gain something by reading your email.

Use Swordfish AI for the Best Follow up Email Subject Lines

Swordfish AI

Swordfish AI understands exactly what makes a fascinating email subject line. It studies millions of professional email subject line examples to learn the techniques that get emails opened and responded to. 

The AI then uses this knowledge to form irresistible subject lines personalized to your contacts and campaigns.

With just a few clicks, Swordfish AI generates numerous follow-up email subject line options for you to choose from. You can pick the best one or combine different elements from multiple suggestions. This saves you time while ensuring your subject line is optimized for each situation.

Therefore, the platform adjusts its recommendations based on your feedback. So the more you use Swordfish AI, the better it becomes at capturing your brand voice and creating subjects that sound natural while achieving results.

Simplify your follow-up email workflow with Swordfish AI. Sign up for a free trial today and let the AI start forming a subject line for follow-up email sales for all your outreach.

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In summary, creating the best follow-up email subject lines is a key skill in good communication. These short lines decide if your email gets read or ignored.

The aim is to be clear, brief, and interesting. Make sure your subject lines are relevant and personalized to get more people to open your emails.

The best follow-up email subject lines connect with your readers and match the purpose of your message. Finish your follow-up emails well, and you’ll see better relationships as a result.

Best of luck!


What mistakes should I avoid when writing follow-up email subjects?

Avoid vague, generic subjects like “Follow Up” or “Checking In” that provide no context. Also, avoid overly professional language that may turn off recipients. Keep subjects professional but friendly.

How often should I Follow the Subject Line for Follow-up Email After No Response?

If there is no response after your initial outreach email, follow up once more after 3-5 business days. If still no reply to the second email, try one additional follow up after 7 days then consider switching to alternate contact methods like phone or LinkedIn.

What tools can help me test and improve my follow-up email subjects?

You can use A/B testing, open and click tracking, and tools like Subject Line Analyzer to optimize your approach. Swordfish AI can also generate high-converting subjects.

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